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soooo whats gooood really whats up...
soo far soo good for me...only prob is that i really really really need a i searched for plans...and i found a vishuz deal!... BOOSTMOBILE..$50 unlimited plan...WHAT! dats too good to be true...unlimited mins, txts, web and chirping for 50bucks...dats a good deal...ima get me an i930 then...and unlock that joint...well on ebay...'window shopping'...I REALLY WANT A MACBOOK PRO! or an alienware laptop...=) ill do almost anything for one...ALMOST ANYTHING!
so besides me being on ebay and on here im planning on moving out the nest...
i wanna move to VA or maybe DC, but dc is expensive...i wanna start in a new area, some where i havent lived at...i lived at boston, new york and maryland...and i get bored easily...VA looks nice, cheap gas and stuff lol...
I MISS MY JADEY! sighhhh...having no phone or internet tired of watching the same tv shows everyday =\...
i miss the late nite talks jade and i had...sigh
the internet is being fixed as we speak...finally i dont have to rely on my neighbor's weak ass wifi lol....
why is everybody over using the word a days everybody has 'swag' or w.e...hmmm...please use other adjectives guys...its gettin old!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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